If you are offered income protection insurance in combination with your credit card or loan application, then there is one question that comes to your mind- Doe something like cheapest income protection insurance really exist? If you have also asked yourself this question, then there is enough good news for you since it is possible to get the cheapest income protection cover. To be certain, one can find such an insurance cover by shopping in the insurance market for the right cover instead of being compelled to buy it from the bank or any lender on the high street.
Why buying it from a standalone insurance provider is a good idea
Several research reports suggest that buying the policy from a standalone provider and not approaching any high street cover lender many a times, enables the applicant to save a big amount of money on the premium amounts he/she has to pay. A reliable standalone cover provider specializes in this kind of cover and thus, is capable of offering the desired cover at a lot cheaper price that what the high street lenders will demand. Also, a standalone provider also has immense experience with respect to selling the right policies. This implies that there is a better chance that you will be getting a right cover depending on your circumstances.
What kind of cover does income protection insurance provider?
Indeed, finding the cheapest income protection insurance is a primary aim of those involved in manual or dangerous jobs. However, it is equally important to know what sort of cover is provided by such a policy. Such an insurance policy will be providing the applicant with a fixed monthly income for a mentioned period of time, in an event that the applicant finds himself out of job owing to a long term illness, accident or unemployment. However, it is equally important that the applicant wisely purchases the cover. If purchased haphazardly, he/she risks of not being able to successfully put a claim forward if the policy’s small print has not be read carefully.
Never buy the cover alongside a credit card or a loan
A very important advice given to all prospective buyers is never to buy it alongside a credit card or a loan. If you decide to buy it, remember that the premiums are going to be prohibitively high. This is exactly the reason why payment protection insurance providers are churning billions in profits every year.
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